2020 has been a roller coaster ride for most of us but on the upside, It gave us lot of “me” time to gather your thoughts and plan your next steps.

I always want to be a technology entrepreneur and friends who know me well can tell you that I am always working / thinking about interesting ideas.

I believe that there are two ways you can make an impact on this world.

  1. You push the technical innovation beyond what’s capable and bring out the new revolution in a way that it can transform the civilisation as a whole. For example, Henry Ford invention of assembly line to mass produce automobiles, Elon Musk’s invention of reusable rockets etc. This requires dedication, years of research and sheer passion and still the probability of success can be quite minimal.

  2. You replicate the already solved problems in other parts of the world at your own town / city / village / region. For example, Digital health care, Affordable education, modern agricultural practices, Health and fitness awareness via innovative concepts. As a great man said, We have to pick our battles. I would like to focus my time and energy on the first problem because that’s what I am passionate about. There are some grand Ideas I am working on which could revolutionise the way we live but It might take years before that even happen.

So, while I am spending my time and energy on the former, I would like to advice and invest on latter.

To begin with, I would like to focus on South India as I grew up there and It’s much easier to relate with the problems. I am more inclined towards two tier cities, towns and villages but I can make an exception to metropolitan cities If the Idea is compelling enough. Anyone who has innovative Ideas and disciplined enough to convert them to reality but unable to start due to lack of capital, Feel free to send me a message over here (or) email me at rohith.uppala369@gmail.com

Rules before contacting me

  1. Introduction
  2. Keep your vision short and simple. It should reflect what problem you are planning to solve.
  3. Description should reflect on how you are planning to solve the problem.

I am not interested in pure tech startups ( mobile apps, web apps ) which solves the problem for a small subset of people. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that there are better options such as Venture capitalists for that.

Note: I could have polished this post a bit more but I would like to keep it less formal and more personal. Truth be told, I am not rich but I am fortunate enough to have a well paying job and good savings. I am 27 and I am young enough to take risks for at least few years such as to spend most of my savings in investing / cultivating new Ideas and bringing other people dreams alive.

Thanks for reading this until now. If this does not appeal to you, feel free to spread the word among your friends and your network. Super psyched about this new chapter.