1. Boulder comfortably at 6C/6C+ grades
  2. Achieve unassisted Ring/Bar muscle ups and hold a front lever for 10 seconds
  3. Enhance flexibility through increased yoga and splits training
  4. Complete two screenplays started in 2023
  5. Obtain a driver’s license
  6. Perform regularly at Mezrab
  7. Explore various dance forms alongside Salsa
  8. Dedicate 10 minutes daily to mindfulness practice
  9. Learn to play five songs on the piano, spanning from Western classical to rock

In the upcoming year, I won’t be taking up any new hobbies due to my startup and other commitments, which will keep me busy. However, I plan to travel more and try out some unique experiences as the year progresses. My motto remains unchanged from the previous year: “The unreasonable effectiveness of showing up every day.”