1. Learn advanced calisthenics moves. Handstand, Muscle Up and Front Lever ( Carried on from last year )
  2. Pick up rope climbing and go for couple of outdoor rock climbing sessions in Europe
  3. Get comfortable with theory of music. Learn to play few iconic western classical pieces of music from Bach, Enaudi and Beethoven
  4. Get car driving license ( I have been slacking this for a long long time )
  5. Develop and release 1-2 short films in Amsterdam
  6. Learn swimming. This one is long overdue
  7. Become good at salsa. And pickup hiphop / modern dancing

The above resolutions are some of the ones which are quantifiable. Apart from them, I still need to decide my next career move. The two fields of interest that currently inspires me is HFT and AI / ML. Having a conundrum on whether to pursue the route of starting my own firm or join another HFT. Aviation always intrigued me and it’s high time I try to get a private pilot license. And most important, Having a solid set of relationships with friends and family who are crucial for my emotional wellbeing and happiness.

The motto for this year is gonna be “The unreasonable effectiveness of showing up everyday”. Develop small atomic habits which will compound as you go into the future. Looking forward and ahead