1. Stick to the daily routine ( Yoga, meditation and cold showers first thing in the morning )
  2. Journal every day
  3. Bouldering 7A and Get comfortable with rope climbing
  4. Learn handstand, Muscle up and front lever ( calisthenics )
  5. Socialise more. 50% of the evenings in a week should be allocated to social life.
  6. Produce more, consume less. Stick to digital detox
  7. Story telling at Mezrab
  8. Finish atleast one screenplay
  9. Lots of learning in the space of AI and Robotics. Apply spaced repetition to get the maximum out
  10. Take a sabbatical for 1-2 months
  11. Start private pilot course ( Netherlands or Spain )
  12. Get car driving license
  13. Learn piano