As the title suggests, this is yet another resolutions blog post. Seems like I am quite late to the party. This should have been done a month ago but better late than never.

Research suggests that publicly committing to your goals will hold you accountable. So, that self inflicted fear of losing in front of everyone will push you hard.

I will divide my goals into objectives and each one will be divided into milestones to see how far I have reached. 0.3 represents the fair goal, 0.7 means moderate while 1.0 means going crazy.

Objective 1: Build a profitable (or) valuable side project

It’s been almost five years since I started to build things in different organizations. More and more I do it, I realise that the best way I can utilize my skills 100% is to start something on my own.

The first step is to understand different markets and businesses and see where I can be of help. And also, I would like to satisfy the little engineer in me by solving interesting and challenging problems as I go.

  • Build a side project which generates revenue on the side. This will teach me how to be an independent entrepreneur.
    • Build a side project and launch it to the public (0.3)
    • Make the business model break even (0.7)
    • Generate profits even though it’s small (1.0)

Objective 2: Transition myself into large scale machine learning

Despite all the hype going around deep learning, ( Don’t worry people, robots are not gonna take your creative jobs anytime soon. We are too far away from AGI), I have developed an enormous amount of curiosity around Machine learning and things which are possible with it.

Even though we could never build a general conscious machine which thinks like humans anytime soon, We can build advanced machines which can do deterministic tasks given enough training data without any issue and I would like to contribute to this research.

I would like to mix my experience working of large scale systems with machine learning and build interesting and valuable products.

  • Become proficient in large scale machine learning
    • Build a side project which has heavy emphasis on machine learning
    • Get visible on Machine Learning community
      • Maintaining an active blog with emphasis on machine learning technical posts (0.3)
      • Presenting a technical talk on machine learning at a local meetup (0.7)
      • Presenting a technical talk on machine learning at an international conference (1.0)

Objective 3: Get better at mobility and flexibility while maintaining the same strength

It’s been a year since I started taking fitness seriously in my life and I can’t stress enough how helpful it was. A sound mind lies in a sound body It helped me to fight my RSI, get into the best shape of my life, made me realize the value of healthy eating.

Meanwhile, I have my fair share of injuries during this journey. Injured my lower back due to a faulty deadlift session, overtrained shoulder because of frequent bouldering sessions. So, I took a step back and realized that flexibility and organized workout is the key for a long running athletic life. Currently, I train around 3 times in the gym, 1 bouldering session, 2 salsa sessions per week with ample amount of time in between to recover.

Here are some audacious goals for this year in terms of fitness.

  • Reach bouldering level to v6/7
  • Reach to advanced salsa level

For folks who do not know Bouldering, here you go Bouldering. Best thing I have picked up this year.

Objective 4: Begin the adventures of storytelling

Since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with storytelling. I still remember the days when my mom / grandma used to tell me all kinds of interesting stories. This planted the seed for my imaginations and it has grown into a sapling. I think it’s time that I share all these amazing stories which i gathered so far with people all around the world. I am so psyched about this.

  • Perform a storytelling night in Amsterdam ( preferably mezrab)
  • Write. Just write
    • one short story (0.3)
    • one long story (0.7)
    • two long stories (1.0)

Objective 5: Experience the world instead of just traveling

After traveling to almost 15 countries around the world, I have realized that a castle which is built in 1550 won’t give me thrill compared to going on a long hike in an unknown trail with locals and best friends. I prefer experiences to city hopping. I prefere adventurous stuff to a relaxing day at the beach. This year marks the beginning of a new way to experience the world.

  • Climb Mount Fuji in Japan
  • Tandem skydiving
  • Boulder in every city wherever it’s possible

I know it’s quite exhaustive but this will keep me busy and my life fulfilling. I am having the best time of my life and I would like to savor each moment while it lasts. After all, we all got one life to live and I want to live it to the fullest.